Pictured to the left is a member of the class of 2011 holding the recently donated lacrosse stick given by Putnam Flint of the class of 1937. “Put” Flint was a member of the first Lacrosse Squad to play the sport at the Academy in the spring of 1937. The donation is the first gift made to the newly named
The Ragle Archives Room honoring the former Headmaster of the Governor’s Academy from 1972-1982.
The following information from the
1937 Milestone describes the excitement involved with organizing and playing a new sport.
“The coming of spring this year brought a new sport, lacrosse, to Governor Dummer. Lacrosse, as a sport in general, was played a great deal up until about ten years ago when, for some strange reason, its popularity faded. Apparently it is becoming very popular once again, and several of the leading New England preparatory schools have recently taken it up. Governor Dummer, recognizing this fact, has added the sport to its spring schedule. Mr. Murphy, head coach of this sport, wished for several years that he might organize a lacrosse squad here at school, but, because of several handicaps, he has been unable to do so until this year. Great enthusiasm was shown from the beginning and twenty-four boys turned out for the sport at the first of the season. There were only three or four members of the squad who had played the game before, and even none of these had ever played organized lacrosse. In spite of this the coaches felt that great progress was made by the entire squad from the start.
Russell Simons, who captained the team, was one of the most outstanding players throughout the season. He was extremely fast and always seemed to have excellent control over his stick. Gordon Ellis, too, was a great aid to the team since he never became tired, and since he always played a very fast and accurate game.
Putnam Flint, who played goal, made many excellent saves considering his inexperience, and he deserves credit for his superior defense.
The team was at a disadvantage when it came up against other teams on strange fields, because the field space at home was limited to about half of the official field length. In spite of the handicaps there was never a sign of poor spirit shown by any member of the squad. The boys were always eager to pick up any information about the sport from either of the coaches.
Of the twenty-four candidates who were out for lacrosse this year there will be fifteen returning next year, and, because of this number, Mr. Murphy feels certain that he will have exceptionally fine material with which to work next season. – J.W.F ”
The 1937 Lacrosse Squad
Goalie Putnam Flint - second row - fourth from the left